Recently, my colleague Claus wrote a blog on whether you need API management if you already have a decent mobile initiative. The topic was so good that I thought I would pile on and provide my opinion on it as well.

One of the points he established was that if you are deploying very few mobile apps on a few selected devices, for one or two LOBs (Line of Business or Business Units), then it is a wash. You might do better without having an API initiative. I completely agree. Problems begin to pile up when you have multiple mobile apps and want to have a common baseline across them.

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Multiple silos of Mobile initiatives

A major issue that I keep hearing from many executives is the proliferation of mobile initiatives with or without IT approval and/or oversight. Unfortunately, given the excitement, need and necessity to produce mobile apps quickly, the IT departments can’t cope with the demand from LOBs. There are times mobile initiatives are run by LOBs, in parallel, without the knowledge and oversight of IT. Unfortunately, most of these haphazardly-built apps access your enterprise data without proper controls. This is when your mobile apps (and APIs) become liabilities instead of assets. Read my article on this topic here: Is your API an asset or a liability?

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