Congressional committee excitement!

I am very excited and honored to be testifying in front of a congressional panel tomorrow, May 23, on Capitol Hill. The panel will discuss how modern technologies can help in the healthcare field. It is interesting to see the list of big name congressmen and senators who are interested in hearing about modern technologies and how healthcare IT can leverage it. I guess mobile devices revolutionized everybody’s thoughts.

I will let you know how it goes and whether or not we are close to revolutionizing the world. In the meanwhile, tune in to CSPAN to watch me but no cat calls please 🙂


5 Practical Steps to Building an Enterprise Class API Program

When it comes to building API programs, everyone seems to think in terms of technology, platforms, scalability, security, execution, hackathons, etc., but people tend to forget the most important thing. What do you think it is – TTM (Time to Market)? Additional Revenue? Newer Partners? TCO (Total Cost of Ownership)? Usability? IT approval? or Something else?

If you want to know what that is and how to effectively build an Enterprise class API program, please attend this webinar that I am co-presenting with Mashery and CapitalOne. Every customer seem to have an aha! moment after our conversation.

This live webinar is at 1 pm EST on May 22 (this Wednesday). You can register here

Big Data, IoT, API … Newer technologies protected by older security

Now-a-days every single CIO, CTO, or business executive that I speak to is captivated by these three new technologies: Big Data, API management and IoTs (Internet of Things). Every single organizational executive that I speak with confirms that they either have current projects that are actively using these technologies, or they are in the planning stages and are about to embark on the mission soon.

Though the underlying need and purpose served are unique to each of these technologies, they all have one thing common. They all necessitate newer security models and security tools to serve any organization well. I will explain that in a bit, but let us see what is the value added by these technologies to any organization:

IoT – is specific data collection points that employ sensors placed anywhere and everywhere. Most often times the information collected by these devices are sensitive data and contain specific identifiable targeted data. IoT allows organizations to analyze behaviors and patterns as needed but also poses an interesting problem. Gone is TB (Terabytes) of data; now we are talking about PB (petabytes) of data which continue to grow exponentially. IoTs use M2M communication, which are a newer channel and create a newer set of threat vectors.

Big Data – store massive amounts of data (some of these data are from the aforementioned IoTs) and having the necessary software and infrastructure that allow you to access them faster which promises to cost you a fraction of what it is costs today, further enabling you to capture as many data points as possible.

API – interface, enabler and inter-connector between systems by providing a uniform and portable interface (whether it is to the big data or the platform that enables big data).

While each of technologies at first glance appears to be serving different constituencies within an Enterprise, there is an undeniable interconnectedness that exists. The IoT collects data from everywhere. Hence, it is pouring tons of data that need to be not only stored somewhere, but also analyzed properly so that the dots can be connected, to ultimately form meaningful patterns that people can make use of.

Read more on ProgrammableWeb (PW) blog site