Congressional committee excitement!

I am very excited and honored to be testifying in front of a congressional panel tomorrow, May 23, on Capitol Hill. The panel will discuss how modern technologies can help in the healthcare field. It is interesting to see the list of big name congressmen and senators who are interested in hearing about modern technologies and how healthcare IT can leverage it. I guess mobile devices revolutionized everybody’s thoughts.

I will let you know how it goes and whether or not we are close to revolutionizing the world. In the meanwhile, tune in to CSPAN to watch me but no cat calls please 🙂


ISACA Keynote session: Secure the Hybrid Cloud: Protecting Users, APIs and Devices


Website: (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Don’t miss my Keynote session with ISACA on API security with Kin Lane tomorrow at 9:15 am EST

Secure the Hybrid Cloud: Protecting Users, APIs and Devices
9:15 Keynote Session: Secure, Expose and Package APIs as Products—Enable the Secure API Economy for the Enterprise