Kin Lane – the stand-up guy

Recently, I had a great conversation with Kin Lane, the API messiah, on a variety of topics including API, IoT, security, and enterprises coming of (digital) age in the API space, etc. I appreciated his time after such long trip, especially with the issues he had to find parking for his jet and all 🙂 (Those Canadians are never kind to American jets, for sure).

One of the topics of conversKL_InApiWeTrust-1000ation was about compromising integrity and beliefs for money. You might have seen his personal blog on the news lately about him turning down a big money offer to continue to do what he likes without the shackles. His blog, and the follow-up conversation we had, resonated very well with me. Some of his liberating thoughts were eye-opening to me (

Obviously, Kin needs no introduction. I respect his stand and thought process. If you are not following his blogs, you are missing a lot. You can find his blog site at

Kin, kudos to you. I hope when my time comes, I can be as noble and stand-up as you are. But knowing me well, I doubt that. 🙂